ok, alot of people have been doing shout outs lately, so all the more reason for me to do it!
Hey Ali BABA!
hahaha, it is soooo great having a very good friend like you. I really love the times that we hung out together, especially the halloween trick-or-treating, remember the door-bell thingy. That was hilarious! And actually someone opened the door when we ran into the lift! I know that i can share anything and everything with you and i do, so i will always be there when you need well anything. FRENS FOREVER!
Hiya jessica!
i am love the times pulling your hand because you like it alot (invetered commas). although you got angry at me for nothing and i still dont know why, i hope you will you know get to me better bit by bit , cos i am not like P5 anymore. and it great seeing you playing tennis during recess and scolding me so fast i didnt even know what you were talking about whenever i missed or hit out. oh that was funny, well see you next year. frens?
hello marine biologist!
i still remember when you was doing the hand thingy to find out who my husband would be and all the letters put together spelt jian an. jess and you would not stop teasing me about him and alison was so happy cos you let her off the whole jian an thing. well, i dont know whether you are angry or whatever at me now , in any case you will always be my good fren which i could talk to and i can be that fren too.you rock my world!
Hi blur queen!
i still laugh at times when you were soo accident prone and would fall here and there injuring yourself all the time. thanks for listening to all my problems and making me laugh A LOTand comforting me when i was D-O-W-N and mostly thinking that carolyn was me and told her THat SomETHing! i love the times where we could talk for hours and hours on the phone. i will always bw there if you need a listening ear.you rock on too.
thats abt it.hehe....
kinda absent minded ((((:fine... not kinda...i am.